Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mothers - We Salute You :)

My Mom has come home - hurray, it's been a month [ you might say Just, but it is a month long],she has been around in the city for the last one week but could not come to my place as she was tied down with lot of family occasions and had to attend for all of us busy being who would conveniently nominate her to represent the weddings and other social gatherings. I was truly irritated with my mom being so near, so very near but yet very far. My 5 year old son would complain saying "granny cheated me , when does she come home, daddy ? was his constant question. As I sat down this evening thinking about my mother..

When I wanted to climb the tallest mountains, do things that sound absurd to lot others, go visit saints and the base of Himalayas during my late teens - My mother packed my bags and prepared a nice lunch. She always stood by my dreams, though they were ahead of their times [you can choose to call them Stupid, my I liked to stay hungry and ofcourse foolish too]. 

As I was progressing through my early 20's through the famous Carnegie Mellon University and their world famous robotics, there were many instances where I turned towards our universal Solution architect [A.K.A God] and thanked him/her for the most popular creation - Mother. Possibly they are the emotional robots that are programmed to read our minds and do everything possible to make their creations life as comfortable as possible. I call them Emotional Robots with unconditional love because you don't hear your mother tired to do anything for you, she would not mind overfeeding me something I love even if she had to starve. Mother's truly have the magic wand that would heal any of our wounds - not just physical and emotional much beyond that.

Growing up,I would make mistakes whole through- again and again yet my mother was very forgiving, and now during my so called busy days/routines. When my mother calls me, the first thing she asks is if she could talk for a minute, I feel guilty that the angel of my creation , needs to take my permission to talk to me. On a specific day, If I did not talk to my mother yet, I make it a point to call my mother before my back to back business takes over. Now I realized that my mother is far more comfortable and relaxed in the day because she is done talking to me and that is something for me. 

She is my easiest target, I would take my full liberty and express all my frustration, disgust and anger at her, even if I did not mean it, she would take it and just absorb all of it like a magical sponge that absorbs the whole thing, mothers mop our lives so clean of stress and tension. For everything mother continues to do you will be forced to open your heard and wipe out your resentments, if any, now that's what is LOVE.

Very surprisingly all mother's can read their kids brains, their ears and eyes hear and see everything- they don't not need a Ph.D in psychology to understand their own creations. Amazing how mothers remember everything with a photographic memory for all the good and some of the very bad, though they pretend not to remember the bad ones just not to remind us of our bad patches, mother's very well bring back joy by talking of those great moments of our lives.

Only mother's can find us when we are lost in the crowds, her mere presence makes us so feel secured. Now as I was writing this post my son shows up asking about his daily quota of cartoons and I told him " not to disturb me" and he in no times runs to my wife and his very loving mother.

Now I don't know how to thank the god for his wonderful creation, we call Mother.

 Saluting all the mother's of the universe.

P.s I did not edit /proof read this post because the authenticity of the post needs to be captured in it's true sense and not in filtered/moderated and processed and packaged way. :)

After 19 months..

I am sure a LOT has changed from the last post to this one :). A quick glimpse at the the last one year..

1. Have completed 6 glorious years with our NGO - SpandanaCharitableTrust
2. Almost nearing the first year with ShreeMaatha.Org - a spirtual startup[if you will] with a special interest in gathering the rare Sanskrit scriptures and also trying to spread the motherly love, to the abandoned and ignored,that is latent in all of us.
3. Trying to keep up with my gym regime - would be completing my 7th year with  4 times a week strike rate.
4. Bought a bike and did put in around 200 Kms on it so far, and need to make it an integral part of my routine.

When I tend to think I am too busy to accommodate my passions, I recall my father's one liner.."Its a busy man who finds time" so true dad!