Sunday, May 09, 2004

PKMS -The Personal Knowledge Management System is on the top of my mind. I have been downloading and sorting loads of information(Data?) and processing them thru the cerebral channels and getting the best out of it. But Every Human being has his/her own unique way of retrieving the data/information. So I was thinking of how good it would be to have some thing like a Desktop Google -Where I define my keywords for a document/webpage I download from internet. So @ the time of need, I just type the keyword and the PKMS shows the related docs.

I implemented the base version of PKMS which is all about killing the Redundant files that I store. I did observe that when I save the files, the redundant factor is a significant concern and thus I implemented a small logger tool that logs all the Knowledge File titles & if a same resource is being saved, then the logger logs the file title in the redundant list and the user gets to know the redundant files and he/she can do the necessary action depending on the requirement and situation at hand.

My PKMS is being developed according to my patterns of the mind. Because there will not be another me and I should make the best of me. I observed that the time we(atleast I) take in ordering n retrieving my info takes away significant chunk of like. If we have an easy tool that apes "Our" unique way of retrieving/fishing out the info...the personal world would be jus great... Days of greatness are aprroaching soon..

PrasDevilz is in the bed.... n hitting the bed soon to wake up Soon.. :)

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