Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Some Open Source e-Learning Systems.
Bodington - The Bodington System is a software tool that can be used, in conjunction with a database product, to implement an interactive web site. Its original purpose was to implement a virtual learning environment for the University of Leeds - Bodington Common.

Sakai - The Sakai Project is a $6.8M community sourceCommunity source describes a model for the purposeful coordinating of work in a community. The software development project is founded by the University of Michigan, Indiana University, MIT, Stanford, the uPortal Consortium, and the Open Knowledge Initiative (OKI) with the support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The project is producing open source Collaboration and Learning Environment (CLE) software with the first release in July 2004.

eConf - eConf is an open source e-learning software, written in Java. It allows to easily record web sessions and has been used to record multiple computer science courses. eConf is an add-on to an HTTP proxy that is able to capture the web pages shown during the session and the voice of the presenter. The audio and the web pages are then synchronized to allow the students to listen to the recorded course. The current release of eConf is built on top of the W3C's Jigsaw proxy but any other proxy may be used.

eLedge - This software is designed to provide the framework for creating a web site for online instruction, including student registration, authentication, content creation, quizzes, exams, homework graders, report uploads, instructor gradebook, class calendar, and online help. Eledge does not provide knowledge content; we only provide a convenient, flexible way for instructors to make their course materials accessible to students over the Internet.

Javanti - Javanti is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for interactive presentations and eLearning applications. It allows you to easily create virtual, interactive slides for your presentation, lecture or training session.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Finally, I could win over my laziness and procastination. I took the initiative to go to Tirupati and we did spend awesome 3 Days in Tiruapti, We had a magnificient darshan and thats pretty much it abt Tirupati, I tried looking for out N/W cam setup near Vaikunta Q complex but couldn't trace it out. Anyways, I am just back @ work